Apple(苹果)官方已经放出Safari 3.1 正式版下载

分类:网络摘要 | 发布者:Tim | 发布日期: 2008-3-20 | 天气:不指定  | |
而这次则是Apple官方网放出了Safari 3.1 Final的下载了(3.1最终版,截至2008.3.20日最新版)

Safari 3.1
支持新一代的因特网视频、音频、与动画标准,能够提供尽可能最佳的Web 2.0浏览体验。
并支持全部范围普及的互联网插件-包括Flash、Shockwave和QuickTime(CSS3 Web字体支持、CSS动画支持、HTML 5的媒体支持等...)




官方直接下载链接:点击下载Apple官方提供Safari 3.1安装文件

本地化语言增强(Digidea兄在Live SkyDrive上提供):LangPack.exe


首先卸载曾经安装过的任何一个较旧版本 (至少官方文档是这样写的, 所有个人信息将不会被删除)
运行 Safari.exe 或 SafariSetup.exe 安装原版程序, 并记得在最后一步取消 "安装结束后运行 Safari" 的选项
运行 LangPack.exe 安装本地化语言增强, 它同时支持简体与繁体环境

以上“安装说明”部分来自Digidea's Blog

Safari 3.1重要更新信息:

CSS3 web fonts
With CSS3 web fonts, web developers can now choose from a limitless selection of
fonts to create stunning new websites using standards-based technology. Safari
automatically recognizes websites that use custom fonts and downloads them as
they’re needed.
CSS3 Web字体
支持CSS3 Web字体,自动识别网站使用的自定义字体并下载你自定义的字体作为网页定义字体显示所需。

CSS animation
Safari is the first browser to support CSS animation. Now anyone can add amazing
interactive animations to their website using open standards. With CSS animations,
web developers can scale, rotate, fade, and skew web elements for elegant, highproduction-
value pages.

HTML 5 media support
The new HTML 5 media tags make it easy for web developers to deliver rich, interactive
video and audio as a native part of any website without the need for proprietary
technologies. The media tags also offer a rich scripting API for controlling media
HTML 5的媒体支持
新的HTML 5媒体标签,易于为网络开发者提供丰富的、互动视频和音频作为本地的一部分,而不需要专有技术支持。媒体标签还提供了一个丰富的脚本API控制媒体回放。

Improved SVG support
Safari 3.1 features improved support for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), so now
developers can use SVG images anywhere on a page including HTML and CSS
elements. SVG allows developers to create dynamic graphics with the web scripting
languages they’re familiar with.
Safari3.1功能改进支持可缩放矢量图形(SVG),使用的SVG图像页面上的任何位置包括HTML和CSS元素。 SVG的改进能让开发人员能够熟练地创建动态图形与web脚本语言。

HTML 5 offline storage support
With offline storage support based on the HTML 5 standard, web developers can
create faster web-based applications that store their information on a user’s local
machine, and then access it instantly rather than having to re-download it over
the Internet.
HTML 5离线存储支持
在离线存储支持的基础上的HTML 5的标准, Web开发人员可创造更快的Web应用程序存取信息资料,这对用户的访问后,不用重新下载这些信息资料。

Structural languages: HTML 4.01, some HTML 5, XML, XPath, XSLT, XHTML 1.1, SVG 1.1
结构性语言: HTML 4.01 ,一些HTML 5, XML、XPath 、XSLT、XHTML 1.1 、SVG1.1

Presentation languages: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Level 1, CSS Level 2.1, some CSS Level 3
表示语言: 层叠样式表( CSS )Level 1、CSS Level 2.1 ,和一些CSS Level 3

Objects: DOM Level 1, DOM Level 2, some DOM Level 3, XMLHttpRequest
Objects对象: DOM Level 1, DOM Level 2,一些DOM Level 3,Transport Layer Security (TLS)

JavaScript support: ECMAScript 262 Edition 3
Javascript支持: ECMAScript 262第3版

Proxy support: .PAC, FTP Proxy, HTTP, HTTPS, RTSP, SOCKS, and Gopher
代理支持: .PAC, FTP Proxy, HTTP, HTTPS, RTSP, SOCKS和Gopher

Encryption support: SSL version 2, SSL version 3, Transport Layer Security (TLS)
加密支持: SSL version 2, SSL version 3, Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Plug-in architecture: Modern scriptable plug-ins, classic Netscape-style plug-ins
插件架构: Modern scriptable plug-ins, classic Netscape-style plug-ins

Java support: Leverages the system’s Java Virtual Machine
Java支持: 本地系统的Java虚拟机

LiveConnect support: Communication between JavaScript and Java applets
Live Connect支持: 与JavaScript和Java 程序间传输

International support: Unicode, bidirectional text, and contextual letterforms
国际支持: Unicode、bidirectional text, and contextual letterforms
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